- Mr De Gaulle had a hand in setting up the EEC and making France one of its central pillars
- It gives them a feeling of being a sort of superpower in a European context
- They love the huge subsidies they get, especially for the farmers (who are extremely numerous and a very powerful voting lobby in France)
- They like to pretend to be all embracing of other cultures (blue EU flags everywhere), while scorning non-French qualifications behind closed doors and barring the route to non-French citizens
The latest letter I received from Commissioner Charlie McCreevy's office tells me to retrain and sit a competition to be able to enter the teaching profession. Well!!! Would you ask a vet to go back to veterinary school? Would you ask an EU commissioner to go back to grassroots politics and go knocking on doors on residential housing estates.......... I think not. They would be most affronted and extremely loathe to give up all the nice cash they are earning. However, I, according to the EU rulebook, am supposed to do just that.
As I realise that I will never make any headway in France (nor Belgium for that matter where I tried to get a job, only to discover that they operate the same anachronistic system as the French) I looked to a move to Scotland, as my husband had a chance of spending a couple of years there with his job. I was quite optimistic and full of hope when I wrote to the Scottish GTC (General Teaching Council). Cor lumme! I nearly had heart failure when I started to receive their feedback. The acceptance policy is both ageist and racist, as far I as can see. Applicants who are not twenty-somethings who have gone through the Scottish system will struggle to put all the relevant paperwork together. You need a Degree transcript (what the hell is that?), a list of your university credits (we didn't have them in the 80s!) proof of how many days / months you spent in Spain / France / Germany if you did a language degree (how do you prove 10+ years' residence when our passports are no longer stamped, and no residence permit is required because of the Schengen agreement?). I phoned the GTCS and was spoken to very sharply by a young lady who belittled me the way the French do. I have just received a letter explaining that, at the age of 44, having thrice been Head of Dept., among other things; I would have to do a probationary year in Scotland!!! What nonsense is this? (Gordon Brown - are you listening?)
I showed the GTCS letter to my Franco-Belgian husband (who is ashamed of his respective countries' political decisions cited above) and he concurred with me that Scotland can keep its ill thought-out, discriminatory tactics .......... yet another country to avoid. What is the world coming to?
I am so disillusioned I have joined UKIP. Why should we pay for the upkeep of an EU that allows jingoism and bigotry to be official policy in most member states? The EU costs 40 million Euros a day to run - to keep Brussels staff : bureaucrats and translators plus the EU ambassadors in posh residences all over the world and the MEPs with their expenses bills - now there's another can of worms. Having worked for 5 years on the African continent, I can assure you that such a considerable amount of money could be far better spent.
By Paula Flanagan